The EAP is compatible with Carter Addon Pack (CAP) Our Story : We are a french team developing this addon since 2014. When I go to check the available languages, they are empty and I have to "install" them. We will take Chinese (zh-cn) for example because it needs a font and its fully localized by MS. Happy to provide more info, screenshots, command output, etc.I haven't tried this yet, but I am in the process of finishing up a full-on new SCCM build at my company as my predecessor messed it up so bad, I had to rebuild it from scratch.
Never errors, all commands verified as having completed and succeeded. Maybe windows needs more than this?Are there any new findings at this topic? The .wim is the one from VLSC, no mods before language pack servicing.The 1809 language packs and FOD (Basic, Handwriting, OCR, Speech, TextToSpeech, and Fonts) for each language are installed via DISM: client language … mentioned here.Could this be the culprit? Note: this only applies to 32-bit applications on x64 OS. The unattend.xml is a pain to troubleshoot and I mostly just let it do it's thing.Then I use: Set-WinHomeLocation New-WinUserLanguageList Set-WinSystemLocale Set-Culture Set-WinUserLanguageList Set-WinUILanguageOverrideAs far as the commands run to install, I run each individually, instead of giving it the package directory.
Language specific installers: These are identified by a language code in the installer’s file name; for example, en_US.
Language Support and Configuration¶. Apparently I have the English ISO. Reader is also provided in a MUI version. This is the order that I install them.I have all these .cabs (basic, handwritting, etc) in 1 folder.I'm adding En-Ca, fr-ca, En-US, and fr-fr (the parts required for fr-ca) to my build.Has anyone get it to work till now?I have tried with DISM and powershell equivalent commands. I'm not 100% on that though.Yeah I spent some time trying to work it out but it seems to be a bug of sorts.
もうタイトルがそのまま結論であまり語ることもないのですが、いままでPhpStormを日本語化する場合は、Pleiadesの日本語化プラグインを使っていた人がほとんどかと思われます。わたしもそうでした。なるほど。非公式版で日本語化していたことが原因だったのかな? ということで、ざっくり調べてみたところ設定ファイルの位置が変わったみたいです。ということで、旧設定ファイルのあったファイルを新設定ファイルディレクトリに移動したりパスを書き換えたりすれば、いままでの日本語化を含めて問題なく動くには動きました。なんとすばらしい。安定性の向上や高速化も期待できます。まだ使い込んでいませんが、おそらく大きな問題はないでしょう。PhpStormに限らず、PyCharmやRubyMine含めたJetBrainsデスクトップ製品のほとんどすべてが対応してるみたいです。さらっと調べたところ注意喚起として以下のような記事ががありましたこれでいっかー! と思ってさらっと設定ファイルの位置が変わったことをTwitterでつぶやいたところ、5分くらいでサムライズムのユースケさんからリプが来て、上に書いた結論を教えていただいたのです。ありがてー! Literary history.
I have installed them from the iso(s) itself, and from the directories in which they are stored with DISM and Powershell and get the same behavior.I followed this guide more or less, it worked fine for me on 1709, and 1809This adds all the features. I REALLY hope that's the missing link.
As far as unattend, I only have this set and its not much... pretty standard stuff. Thanks for the repost.
With respect to language support, Adobe provides the following installers: Language specific installers: These are identified by a language code in the installer’s file name; for example, en_US.These are available from the Reader Download Center and the FTP download site for some planned updates. Claim 50% off unlimited access for back to school! Command to install individual packages below:etc. Teaching Resource Pack Japanese Language - Teaching Resource Pack.
In those cases, use the installer file name to identify the language for which the installer is intended. It is simple to set up and simple to use. I'm just stumped as to why the languages don't show up.
I'm not convinced its a bug yet because other people seem to have success with it. These are available from the Reader Download Center and the FTP download site for some planned updates. On x64 versions of Windows 7 and 8, the TortoiseSVN context menu and overlays won't show for 32-bit applications in their file-open/save dialogs until you install the 2017 C-runtime for x86. Just a personal choice and seems to be the standard way of doing it since 1803 from all of the articles I read.Dont really have anything helpful to contribute, but just wanted to say I see the exact same behaviour you describe in 1803.I haven't tried just letting it install from the package directory (I have it set up the same), so I will give that a shot. しかし、今はアプリケーション内から直接導入できるJetBrains純正の「Japanese Language Pack」を使うのがいいようです。 JetBrainsデスクトップ製品の日本語化 I'll have to try a little later though.