The ghost continues to follow her, and she speaks roughly using the cheap language that she learned in the brothel. 桜姫東文章 発端・序幕・二幕目 11:00-12:34 幕間 30分 桜姫東文章 三幕目 1:04-1:56 幕間 15分 桜姫東文章 四幕目・大詰 2:11-2:58 夜の部 通し狂言 伊達の十役 発端・序幕 4:30-5:35 幕間 5分 通し狂言 伊達の十役 二幕目 His face is disfigured, and he suffocates to near death. The Scarlet Princess of Edo桜姫東文章Sakurahime Azuma BunshoSweet child and monk, esteemed princess and thief. She becomes obsessed with the unknown rapist and gets the same tattoo. 『桜姫東文章』は文化 14(1817)年に初演され、大南北と称された四世鶴屋南北ならではの人気演目の一つです。息女の桜姫が遊女にまで転落するという物語性としたたかな存在感。因果の糸に絡まれる清玄。対する権助の無法ぶり Sakura, having retrieved the family’s precious scroll, has achieved her wish of resurrecting the family and becomes princess again. 桜姫東文章 Sakurahime Azuma Bunsho Overview Characters Kabuki Plus Sweet child and monk, esteemed princess and thief. Gonsuke gets drunk and reveals to Sakura that it was he who murdered her father and brother and stole the family treasure. Gonsuke, now a gravedigger, again runs into the princess. お使いのブラウザは 「廓文章 吉田屋」は男女の恋心が織りなす上方歌舞伎の代表作。 伊左衛門は、身なりは貧しくても大店の若旦那に相応しい品と色気にあふれる役どころ。 夕霧もまた、最上位の遊女である太夫の品格と艶やかさが求められる大役です。 提供: Realizing that Gonsuke is the enemy, Sakura kills their child and, finally, Gonsuke himself.【Left】[from left]Tsurigane Gonsuke(Ichikawa Ebizo)、Princess Sakura(Nakamura Fukusuke) August 2012 Shinbashi Enbujo TheatreSakura becomes princess againThe Sanja Festival at Asakusa’s Sensoji Temple. Princess Sakura has grown to be a beautiful woman, but her left hand has remained in a fist since birth, a disgrace for a person of her rank. Two unusual couples whose fates are linked by karma. Seigen, now a high-ranking priest, comes and says a prayer for her. and National Diet Library Japan, All rights reserved.©Shochiku Co.,Ltd / ©National Diet Library / Upon glimpsing his tattoo, she realizes that this is the man for whom she has been obsessively pining. 既に全公演完売!している2018年7月の歌舞伎座に、当日券販売開始2時間前から並んで行ってきました。ひたすら海老蔵さまさまを楽しむ公演でございます。ストーリーもみんなが知っている秀吉のお話。初めて歌舞伎を観る人でも楽しみやすいんじゃないかなーと思いました! The anguished Seigen, one step behind, calls out the boy’s name. He tries to lure the princess, but she stabs him with a knife, killing him. She rejects him. Two unusual couples whose fates are linked by karma. Hoping to become a married couple in a future life, they abandon their temples and climb to a high cliff with the intent of committing joint suicide. He and Sakura are expelled for the crime of adultery. Her father and younger brother were both murdered by the professional killer Gonsuke, who also snuck into her chamber and raped her in the dark, leaving her with child. Seigen’s ghost tells her that Gonsuke is the monk’s brother and a thief named Sota.

The two become criminals. Sakura’s tattoo and noble speech gives her the nickname “the wind chime princess”, and she becomes popular. She is finally sent back to Gonsuke. She abandons her desire to become a nun and clings to him. He goes out to sell the naive princess to a brothel. Suddenly a white heron takes flight, and the frightened Seigen is unable to jump.[from left]Seigen(Kataoka Ainosuke)、Shiragikumaru(Nakamura Fukusuke) August 2012 Shinbashi Enbujo TheatreSign of reincarnationSeventeen years later. A high-ranking monk is convinced that Princess Sakura is the reincarnation of his dead male lover and falls madly for her.

Because of her disability, she decides to become a nun. She celebrates with the crowd.[from left]Gunsuke(Ichikawa Kotaro)、Katsushika no Oju(Ichikawa Emiya)、Inanoya Hanbei(Kataoka Ainosuke)、Princess Sakura(Nakamura Fukusuke)、Ootomo Hitachinosuke(Ichikawa Ebizo)、Yoshida Matsuwaka(Nakamura Kotaro)、Awazu no sichiro(Ichikawa Ukon) August 2012 Shinbashi Enbujo TheatreCopyright Shochiku Co.,Ltd. Through a series of circumstances, he ends up with her baby.【Left】[from left]Tsurigane Gonsuke(Kataoka Takao)、Princess Sakura(Bando Tamasaburo) June 1975 Shinbashi Enbujo TheatreThe poisonous scorpionSakura’s servant Nagaura and Seigen’s fellow monk Zangetsu had been similarly driven out on an adultery charge and live a humble life. 歌舞伎の舞台公演をHDカメラで撮影し、映画館の大スクリーンでのデジタル上映で楽しむ、シネマ歌舞伎。まるで劇場の特等席で鑑賞しているかのような迫力で、豪華な俳優陣でお贈りする歌舞伎をご堪能いただけます。 Gonsuke escapes, and because of the name on the incense box, it is assumed that Seigen is the father of the child. She could not see his face and remembers nothing but a tattoo in the shape of a bell.
However, she is haunted by Seigen’s ghost, driving her clients away. Seigen arrives at their place and becomes seriously ill. Aiming for his money, they pour the venom of a poisonous scorpion on him.